Welcome! I’m glad you’re here. 😊
I am a storyteller, non-secular omnist, and emerging spiritual medium whose mission is to speak from the heart about the intersection between mental health + spirituality, in order to help others. I refer to the voice that I hear as “Spirit”. Spirit communicates profound teachings regularly in my dreams, waking messages, while meditating, and in ceremony.
Although my initial awakening was very destabilizing and felt like a curse, and it took me a long time to integrate these experiences, they helped me become very passionate about being of service to others — especially those who are labeled as “schizophrenic” 💔 and anyone struggling with mental health.
I now consider my gifts of clairaudience, claircognizance, clairvoyance, channeling, and “teaching dreams” as both a blessing and a huge responsibility to stay humble while helping others with my greatest gift of all — my voice.
I care deeply about the suffering of others and feel very honored to share Spirit’s teachings, which center around four areas: ❤️
- Meditation techniques – these are to help people who want to awaken to do it gently and in a balanced way. Spirit’s teachings have always been infused by the idea that we have free will and we can choose to (heal and) awaken at any point, by beginning to prioritize it.
- Personal Teachings – these are to help people take good care of their bodies for overall health, especially important during awakenings to “allow the vessel to hold the Spirit”.
- Interpersonal Teachings – these are to help people be loving and kind to each other while remaining true to themselves.
- Existential Teachings – these are to help clarify for others what the true nature of reality is, and to inspire people to awaken (if it is on their heart). Note: According to Spirit, “If we gain insight too quickly, it can be dangerous.”
I humbly aim to:
- share messages from Spirit; ❤️
- as a “voice hearer”, support the global movement to destigmatize voice hearing;
- encourage others to meditate and heal trauma;
- promote safe, inclusive, trauma-informed spaces where non-hierarchical power structures and self-sovereignty are the norm;
- contribute to a culture of integrity for spiritual seekers and teachers to feel welcomed;
- help normalize the safe, ethical, and responsible use of entheogens as a human right;
- and share my own wisdom from my ongoing healing and awakening
From Military to Mystical:
A Veteran’s Journey with Sunshine Grace
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