Betting On Love!’s founder, Sunshine Grace, founded the organization after her own struggles with mental health. Having been homeless herself, she is passionate about the chronically homeless and neglected and abused children.

Cabe Lindsay is the passionate artist and media maker behind the Betting On Love! website and also filmed the Conscious Awakening Conference held in Austin, TX in February of 2023.

Our Team

Sunshine Grace

Betting On Love! Founder

Sunshine Grace was born in 1976 in Sheridan, MT and comes from Russian, German, and Scottish lineages. Her early years in Portland, OR were shaped by the Pacific Northwest’s trees and mist, fostering her deep connection to nature. Her grandfather Frank Nielsen was a storyteller; this is who gave her an appreciation for good stories. She attended junior high, and high school in Mesa, AZ, where she was exposed to community initiatives on universal love and compassion. She joined the military at age 22 for housing and educational opportunities, where her mentors showed her how to follow, and the true meaning of “first in, last out” leadership.

She helped raise her step-daughter in Jacksonville, FL, where she earned her master’s degree in research psychology, and worked for large corporations for twelve years. Married at the time, Jacksonville became her first haven for safety and belongingness. Building community became important to her there, but this is also where she became keenly aware of her family’s history of debilitating anxiety and depression.

After an ineffable experience in Kenya in the Serengeti, she moved to Austin in 2018, where she began her emotional healing journey. In 2019, her health mandated an early retirement to focus on simplicity and introspection. In 2019, she began a four-year period of severe mental health breakdowns. Realizing that she couldn’t do this life alone, she began asking others for help. Her friends taught her she could feel safety in removing her masks.

In the middle of this healing, she was called by ayahuasca in 2022, which began a cherished and deeply intimate relationship with this medicine. Working with ayahuasca, life got much harder before it began getting easier, but she eventually started to learn how to work with this teacher plant. Sunshine attributes the wisdom from ayahuasca and unconditional love and support from her friends and family as her anchors on her incredibly profound integration journey. Sunshine continues to work with sacred medicines to help her continue to learn how to think optimistically, receive love, prioritize her health, trust her intuition, and look for the divine beauty in life’s perfect design!

Today, Sunshine is more peaceful than she’s ever been. She is passionate about meditation, non-duality, redemptive love, authentic expression, honest relationships, the importance of ceremony for life’s rites of passages, reverant use of psychedelics – and the Texas two-step! And she believes it’s essential to have fun while healing!

Ram Dass, Terence McKenna, Eckhart Tolle, spiritual teacher Adyashanti, Sandra Ingerman, Oprah Winfrey, Gary Zuckav, Albert Einstein, and Willie Nelson are just a few of her most admired teachers.

Cabe Lindsay

Media Manager

Cabe Lindsay, M.A., is a versatile artist with a prolific output in books, films, and music. By profession, he is the owner and production manager of Arise Video Studio, specializing in documentary promo videos, overseeing ~500 videos per year. By passion, he is the band leader of Cosmic Butterflies and the co-facilitator of Feather Lightwork. By divine orchestration, he is a family man with three incredible kids.

He grew up in the charming town of Lander, WY, where his dad was an elementary art teacher and his mom was a pianist. Blessed with two encouraging parents who believed in his creative abilities, Cabe defied the dreaded “starving artist” stereotype. He never went hungry, but he did have his fair share of humility.

Like a tumbleweed, half asleep, he followed someone else’s American Dream. He breezed through a formal education, earning a master’s degree in advertising from The University of Texas at Austin. He gathered vast experience as an advertising art director, and he had the battle scars to prove it. But he never reached the pinnacle of a white picket fence. He preferred a world without fences.

One day, gazing at wildflowers waving in the wind, inspiration struck. He wondered if he had to work so hard, to survive and thrive and flourish in this world. He saw Truth in the words of Thich Nhat Hanh. “You don’t have to die to get to heaven. You only have to truly live.” Cabe decided to follow the flowers’ example, and go where the winds of destiny carried him: Home. He knew he held a vital role in bringing heaven down to earth.

Following a higher calling, he started making meaningful media, beginning with the feature-length films, Wild Family and Voices of the Grandmothers. His publications included children’s books: Be Well BeeBrave Spirit, Wild Wyoming… along with the youth fiction novel series: Wyld. Meanwhile, he continued to send stories soaring for clients too, locally and globally. This is his Work, and it is an honor.

He began like a sun, radiating light in all directions. He learned to be a focused beam, channeling energy into a single potent ray. “Global Harmony” is his mission, for example, as the host of the Hive Open Mic event, approaching 200 consecutive weeks. World peace is his vision. In a spiritual sense, he studies divine virtues, e.g. Creative Fire, Warrior of the Light, Sacred Medicine Cultivator… He is a rad daddy, an artist, and a brother to all.