
Surya The Sun God

“Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.” -John: 4:47

All artwork for this project created by Cabe Lindsay, Betting On Love!’s Media Manager, founder of Arise Video in Austin, TX.

It was dusk. My Teacher and I were in a vast, strange landscape of honey-colored dirt that spanned miles. Far off in the distance ahead of us were a few elaborately architected buildings that felt like those I’d seen in India, like the Taj Mahal, but smaller. Some had colors – blues, pinks, golds. Ornate spiraling and conical shapes swirled at their tops. But the most significant object of this small, adorned city was an enormous god-like man directly in the center of the town. He was humungous. He dominated the landscape and towered over the buildings and forest off in the distance. He was the most powerful being I had ever seen. 

His body was cut off at the earth’s surface below his belly button, so it appeared as though he only had an upper body — torso, chest, arms, and head. Only his huge upper half of his form was fixed on the honey dirt. Calmly, intently, he was looking past our small figures into the woods behind us. He was in a deep focused meditation, yet aware of everything around us. His stare felt intense and impenetrable. And his calmness was mixed with a sense of seriousness for the task he was about to perform.


She’s Sassy

“One moment of beauty is worth a thousand moments of philosophy.”
-Rupert Spira

She’s sweet. And sassy.
Her friends love her anyway.

She’s rebelliously provocative. And fiercely protective.
Her Brother says, “That’s because you’re a Daniels.”

She’s sensually seductive. And fragile and shy.
And even she doesn’t know which part of her will arise under the sheets.

She’s wholesome. And natural.
And this makes her feel whole.

She’s curious. And confident.
And she needs help to see the truth.

She’s compassionate. And kind.
And she likes how her heart feels truthful when she forgives.

She loves being silly like her momma. And dancing around the house singing, “M-I-C, K-E-Y, M-O-U-S-E!”
She’s so flattered when her friends join her!

She loves that she has her dad’s hands. And wishes she was quick-witted like her sister.
She’s starting to learn what it means to be family, warts and all. 

She’s filled with hope. And strength.
And she doubts this will ever change.

She is horrified at her shadow. And giggles at it, too.
She named her shadow “Steve” — because everything is less scary if it’s named “Steve”.

She loves babies, and wishes she had one so she could watch it breathing softly as it sleeps.

And she loves old people, especially the ones that have wrinkly hands with lots of freckles.
She dreams about holding the hands of the dying.

She’s still afraid to cry, but less afraid to die.
Some things just are’t funny.

She looks at the detail, but beholds the Mystery.
And she feels so lucky to finally learn what it means to cherish it all.

*Thank you for taking the time to read this poem.  This was inspired by an experience in the maloca in the fall of 2023 in Peru. At the start of one particular ceremony, as a young but talented curandero began signing his icaro to me, I said, “I carry so much shame!” and began to sob. A wise part of me knew not to question where this emotion had come from, but rather, to let it out. After purging through my tears, I said to the maestro, “I must confess! I had judged you for being young and assumed you were inexperienced!” The curandero, singing with strength said through his mind, “I know you doubt me, but I don’t doubt myself!” This surprised me, and while laughing out loud, I said, “Maestro! Where do you get your confidence?” 🙂 Without missing a beat he replied with his mind, “I love my ugly parts!”

A few months later during a cannabis ceremony, Spirit and I were dialoguing. Spirit showed me a stage and said, “Do you see that you are sassy?” “Sassy?” I replied. An image of a bossy little girl playfully telling people what to do and thinking she’s cute popped into my head. “I’m not sure what the definition of the word ‘sassy’ is, Spirit, so I’m going to have to Google it tomorrow.”

The next morning, I was surprised to resonate with the definition: “Improperly bold or forward” Google said. “Hmm! I am TOTALLY sassy!” I thought, and laughed. 🙂 Embracing Spirit’s straightforward description of my personality, this began a new layer in my journey of self-acceptance. Today, when I meet others who are sassy, I think, “You’re just like me!” 🙂